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Trusts and Wills the dreaded task!

What do people really hate to deal with? It is wills or trusts! It is the last thing most people really want to tackle. I think people prefer not to think about them because ultimately it is to consider one’s demise. But please try to think of it this way, this is making sure your personal business is taken care of. I cannot tell you how many troubled family members I have helped through the ages that had problems because basic personal business was not settled. A clear and concise plan of action upon your death is the best gift you could give a loved one. I am not saying they may like your wishes but my experience is when it is all spelled out it is much less stressful for family or friends. Keep in mind it does not have to a formal trust, a will can suffice you can go on and put together a simple will.

Also at this time go through personal papers throw out old ones or save for shredding, LABEL to be shredded. And make a pile of current papers and statements. Even if this is too big of a task just organize by year and then by type. Generally anything older than 24 months is not needed (besides tax documents and supporting documents) but if you want to keep it organize it by year, by type and throw away bill inserts and empty envelopes.

This is the time to tackle desk tops and file drawers clean them out and clean them up it will feel good!

Trust: In law a trust is a relationship where property is held by one party for the benefit of another party. A trust is created by the owner, also called a “settlor”, “trustor” or “grantor” who transfers property to a trustee. The trustee holds that property for the trust’s beneficiaries.

Will: a legal declaration of a person’s wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property or estate after death especially : a written instrument legally executed by which a person makes disposition of his or her estate to take effect after death.

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