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Who Pays For Staging?

Who pays for home staging?
A good question, realtor, seller maybe both, but it is worth it. Sometimes realtors pay for it, but may increase their commission, sometimes sellers are just fine paying for it and splitting the cost is always a good idea as it really helps the seller sell fast and helps the realtor market it properly.

Professionally staged homes are eye-catching and can encourage more buyers to consider your property, even before they see it in person. The first impression is always online and it is important to stand out because the listing literally has about 30 seconds to catch someone’s eye the only other way to do it outside of that is price.

Staging can help create that emotional connection between a buyer and your home by staging it. Professional color combinations,furniture layouts can overcome awkward spacesand unexpected pieces help the buyer develop positive feelings about the space and imagine living in it.
Show ways to use extra rooms and funky floor plans. When a room is completely empty, it can be tough to envision how it might be used. That’s especially true if there’s an unusual layout or dated features. Staging can help buyers see the potential of a room and how to get the most value out of it. Plus, empty rooms can actually look smaller than they really are; staging can help them appear larger. SO IMPORTANT IN SANTA CRUZ WHY? WE ARE A SECOND HOME COMMUNITY AND OFTEN HOMES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED OR NEVER TOUCHED.
Increase the selling price. If your home has been sitting on the market for a while and you’ve been considering cutting the price to help move it, you might want to try staging it instead. Staging not only tends to help move properties faster, you could end up selling for higher than expected.

I have found working with buyers that a staged home invites them in to relax, and imagine themselves living there. They can get a feel for the space, the lighting, the sounds and because buying these days is stressful sometimes it is some quiet time in the home takes the stress level down a bit. Homes that are ornate or heavily decorated with seller items often tell the buyer they are not welcome or it is the seller’s space. Territorial lines are drawn. A vacant staged home is always preferred but not necessary a stager can come in work with you have and tone down the decor and make it more inviting and this service will cost a bit less.

For an average house count on about $650 a room and a range of $3000-$5000 this might seem like a lot but it can increase the purchase price by 10s of 1000s it is worth it. There are ways to pare down the cost, by staging key rooms, using some furnishing already in the home or working out a payment plan to have some of the fee paid at escrow.So who pays has a few different answers but to get the highest price invite a stager over to put together a plan and understand the cost will pay off!

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